Check in: Arriving guests can check into their rooms after 2:00 P.M. Guests must provide their International Passport, Drivers License or Valid ID upon arrival. When checking in, you should confirm with a South Yarra Hostel employee if you will need to extend your stay. You must sleep in your assigned bed room. If your assigned bed is not available, you must inform reception and we will organise an alternative for you. Anyone who changes beds without informing reception will incur an extra fee to your booking.
Check out: Check out is before 10:00 am. By this time, departing guests should have removed all their belongings and bed linen from the room. Your linens/sheets need to be placed into the laundry basket located in the laundry. Guests must also remove their food and drinks from the kitchen. After this time guests may use the communal room and store luggage in the secure storage facilities.
Failure to follow the above steps before 10:00 am will result in an added fee.
Lost keys will result in an added fee. (Dorm room key $30, Private room key $15)
*Any late checkouts after 10:00 am will incur a fee of up to a full night’s stay of that bed or room
*Guests who do not bring bed linens into laundry basket will incur an extra $10 fee
*Guests who leave room in an unsatisfactory condition will incur an additional cleaning fee
Early Check out: If you need to checkout before 8:30am, you can organise an early checkout procedure at reception before the day of checkout.
Payment: Guests are required to provide South Yarra Hostel with credit card details to secure their reservation. Payments will need to be made on or before your first day of the reservation, Failure to pay will automatically warrant an additional 10% fee plus and additional 2% each day until it has been fully paid.
Guest Behavior: The comfort, safety and security of our guests are our highest priority at South Yarra Hostel. Any guest who compromises the comfort, safety or security of other guests, staff or local residents will be requested to leave the hostel premises and will not be offered a refund.
*Being clean and tidy is part of the comfort that South Yarra Hostel expects and all guests are required to maintain a standard of cleanliness in bedrooms and all communal areas.
Kitchen: You must clean and store away all cooking equipment and utensils before leaving the kitchen.
Personal Property: It’s the guest’s responsibility to ensure that their personal belongings are secure at all times. South Yarra Hostel accepts no liability for the loss, theft or damage to property however sustained or caused.
South Yarra Hostel Property: Dorm, Private Rooms and communal areas are expected to be clean and tidy at all times. Offenders could be charged or evicted if the condition of the room is not acceptable. Guests will be expected to reimburse South Yarra Hostel for any damages caused by inappropriate behavior during their stay at South Yarra Hostel. *Honesty is the best policy*
Security: Upon check in, guests will receive the FRONT DOOR CODE. This is a six-digit number, which provides 24-hour access to the Hostel. Please keep this code private! The front door must be closed outside of reception hours. Guests are not allowed to reveal the code to any non-paying resident.
The door to your room must be locked if you are the last person to leave it. Please have your key on you at all times to prevent from being locked out.
Cancellation Policy: We have a 48 hour cancellation policy during the regular season and a seven day cancellation policy during peak season.
- Bookings made within these periods will be non refundable.
*Peak season November 1st – March 31st
-Under no circumstances are non-paying guests allowed into the building. If they are caught the paying guest(s) may be evicted without refund.
-There is a 9:00 pm curfew for group gatherings in any part of the Hostel. Any large groups of people gathering past this time can be evicted without refund.
-Place your finished cigarettes in ashtrays or bins.
-Sleep in allocated bed only. Contact reception if you wish to change bed or room. You will be charged extra fees for changing beds without informing reception.
-Pets and animals are not allowed
–Call out fees – Keep your key on you at all times! If you are locked out of your room and need a key to get back in, an after hours call out fee of up to $250.00 may be applied.
–Guest actions that result in triggering a fire alarm will result in a minimum $2,200.00 fine to cover the cost of the call out fee imposed by Fire & Rescue VIC. This includes, but is not limited to, smoking in guest rooms, excessive use of powders, sprays or aerosol products outside the bathroom and covering or tampering with smoke detectors.
Guests found to be smoking in rooms or igniting candles or incense will also be charged $2,200.00
Covering or tampering with smoke detectors is extremely hazardous to the safety of our guests and will be treated severely. It may result in a fine being imposed as well as eviction from the premises without recompense.
-If your electronic device is found to be downloading excessive amounts it will be banned from the network.
-We have a coin operated laundry $5.00 per wash and $5.00 per dry (60 minutes), Machines accept only $1 and $2 coins.
– We reserve the right to offer a maximum of 28 days stay in our hostel.
– We reserve the right to make a charge to the guest’s credit card for any damage to the property caused by the guest